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You’re the planner of the group, the one who sets the time, date, place, and number of cars needed for the road trip to the beach. You know the absolute latest time you can drop your date off and still make it home before your curfew, partly because you know how many stoplights lie between her house and yours. (Or maybe you know how to use the back roads to avoid said stoplights altogether). You’ve mapped it all out on your laptop or in your palm pilot. Some people say that you’re bossy, controlling, and detail-orientated. You know better, though. You know that this is all just preparation for that future in Logistics Management you’ve been planning since you timed how long it would take to get from the cafeteria to the playground in kindergarten.

Logistics Management, as you’ve probably already figured out, is the science behind the way businesses move their materials. Closely related to transportation management, Logistics Management is concerned with the management of product delivery. It’s UPS, FedEx, and the U.S. Post Office all rolled into one intensive study that provides you with a strong background in business and business management, as well as an analytical approach to processing and using information.

By the time you complete this major, not only will you find yourself highly marketable and in great demand by the business world, you’ll also be able to figure out if train A, traveling 65 miles an hour en route from Boston to New York, will be able to beat train B, traveling 60 miles an hour en route from the same Boston to the same New York station, that left 12 minutes earlier than train A on a route that is 7.5 miles longer but includes three miles of downhill track which increases the speed of train B to 68 miles an hour.


  • Accounting

  • Analytical Marketing

  • Business Statistics

  • Information Management

  • International Management

  • International Trade and Banking

  • Introduction to Logistics

  • Location of Economic Activity

  • Logistics Operations

  • Logistics Strategy

  • Marketing

  • Retail Marketing and Distribution

  • Strategic Logistics Management

  • Strategic Management

  • Transport Economics


Keep those math and analytical skills finely honed and ready if you want a career in Logistics Management. Statistics and advanced math courses are excellent preparation for the intense courses you’ll be taking.