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(enrolled students)
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Faculty Information
Students Say
The faculty at BU Law are “world-class, but still focused on the student.” Attendees assure that “research or conferences are never put above students' needs,” and professors have “diversity in experience, area of expertise, and research.” They are “quite approachable and willing to answer questions regardless of the complexity.” Everyone also gets the “added benefit of [the professors] truly caring for their students and wanting to put in the time with students to ensure understanding.” While they have “high expectations for us …, they feel manageable.” Additionally, “the administration genuinely cares about us as students” and “is very responsive to student concerns.” Some say that BU Law “is more oriented towards Big Law, but there is a tight-knit public interest community” too, and “the school has unbelievably strong ties to the firms in Boston.” That means there are plenty of “opportunities to network with members of the Boston legal community,” and 200 employers annually interview students both onand off-campus. The library staff are “incredible resources and very willing to help students out.” Plus, there are “a lot of library resources that make accessing anything you may need or want a breeze.”
Career overview
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Student Body Profile
Campus Life
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Admissions Office
Boston, MA 02215