
If the words “data processing” bring to mind images of a roomful of monkeys typing away into infinity, or fond memories of Star Trek: The Next Generation, then it’s probably about time to update your understanding of this major.

As computers and technology continue to become the cornerstone for just about every business, data processors will be in constant demand to help corporations, individuals, and government offices adapt and more effectively use technology in the office and in the home.

From creating computer networks within a company that allow offices to share files and data, to working as a computer service administrator, data processing majors will be invested with a wide array of computer and office skills that have real practical applications to the job market.


  • Computer Applications Practicum

  • Computer Science

  • File Processing

  • Introduction to Computing

  • Introduction to Microcomputer Spreadsheets

  • Microcomputer Word processing

  • Principles of Accounting

  • Principles of Economics

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The best preparation is a strong general background in statistics and the most complex math in addition to special courses in computer science.