
If you’re not cut out to be a rock star, you can still be the driving force behind one. Picture yourself as the boss in the booth who sits there shouting, “Cut!” “Again, from the top!” and finally, “Brilliant! That’s a wrap!” A major in recording arts technology is just what its title suggests—you’ll be learning about the art of recording, and all that goes along with it. Industry jargon; how to use basic equipment such as microphones, speakers, amplifiers, and equalizers; and the principles of acoustics, sound, and hearing—such as pitch, volume, timbre, and dynamics—will all be covered loud and clear. You’ll learn about analog and digital recording methods, when to use each, and how to make effective multitrack recordings. After you’re proficient in editing and mixing, you’ll learn how to make unique recordings that are truly your own. In a recording arts technology major, you’ll learn how to record and mix both music and audio for video projects. You’ll learn about audio for the Internet and other multimedia ventures, and how to reinforce live audio so that the sound is as effective as possible.

Besides the technical aspects of recording arts technology, you’ll also learn the basics of the recording industry in general, including studio maintenance, copyright laws, and sales strategies. Hands-on learning is vital, as there’s a wide variety of equipment used in this field. Many programs offer opportunities for students to do an internship in a recording studio. Students may also have the chance to practice their recording skills with live musicians. By the end of your college studies, you’ll be well on your way to making professional audio recordings in the field of your choice.


  • Acoustics

  • Analog Tape Machines

  • Audio for TV and Film

  • Audio Signal Processing

  • Basic Audio Electronics

  • Critical Listening

  • Digital Audio Mixing

  • Independent Recordings

  • Live Sound Reinforcement

  • Location Recording

  • Microphones

  • Mixing Consoles

  • Music Business

  • Recording Theory

  • Small Business Management

  • Studio Operations

[+] More


Any technical experience you can get in the field of recording arts technology will give you a great head start with your major. You might see what opportunities are available for recording experience through the band, orchestra, or drama club, or even in your local community. Experimenting with recording on your own can only help you when you begin your actual college studies. And, of course, you should take a well-rounded selection of math, science, and humanities courses to prepare you for the college-level work ahead.