Welding Engineering is a bond that holds this country together. Without it, we’d be falling apart at the seams, or to be a little more accurate, at the joints.
Welding Engineering is the science of holding things together. Instead of crazy glue you have ceramics, metals, plastics, titanium, steel, and dozens of other different materials. Beyond just holding materials together, Welding Engineering also encompasses almost every aspect of construction: from the actual development and shaping of the material, to the creation of new methods of keeping things from falling apart.
As a Welding Engineering major you will find yourself in constant and high demand, since Welding engineers are employed in a wide array of fields. You can go off and help develop the newest space shuttle, or a dent-resistant car.
Calculus and Analytic Geometry
Differential Equations
Engineering Graphics and Programming
Introduction to Materials Science
Physical Principles in Welding Engineering
Strength of Materials
Survey of Welding Engineering and Labs
Welding Applications
Welding Design
Welding Production
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Ready to create the next great app? Launch your gaming career at one of these top 50 programs.
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Ready to create the next great app? Launch your gaming career at one of these top 50 programs.
168,000 students rate everything from their professors to their campus social scene.
Join athletes who were discovered, recruited & often received scholarships after connecting with NCSA's 42,000 strong network of coaches.