McKenzie r.
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
scott was great!
Math - Midlevel (7-8) Math
The tutor was really friendly and he looked over my answer. He was helpful.
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
By helping me figure out the problem for myself I was able to gain a better understanding of the concept as a whole. I was asked to give an explanation of my general understanding of the topic to give my tutor a basic place to start in order to help me learn more. Overall, I forced to able to use my own knowledge to answer my original question.
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
Did much better than the first tutor on the subject, i was glad he didn't turn me down on it immediately
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
Scott was amazing at providing different study techniques
Science - Elementary (3-6) Science
I'm having troubles with everything because the screen will not go up for my microphone so yes.
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
This tutor was amazing very helpful and back tracked his sources. So thank you so much
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
Scott is amazing! So kind and patient. - he is excellent at explaining really complicated topics in simple terms! Thank you so much for helping me study!
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
extremely helpful, provided great resources.
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
very good at explaining and patient
Science - Elementary (3-6) Science
These tutors helped me so much! They help me understand how to do the work step by step.
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
Very helpful!
Science - Anatomy and Physiology
It is very important to offer resources like this, especially for courses that are online. Makes a huge difference.
Science - Elementary (3-6) Science
he broke down stuff and helped with a lot
Kiara T.
Science - Midlevel (7-8) Science
He helped me understand better and gavve me the help I needed.