Science - Biology
it was ok, just hard to have someone understand what im trying to say
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
Kiera W is a great tutor. She helps me understand the material better, since I have a learning disability for me it is very challenging to grasp.
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
Kiera W is a wonderful tutor.
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
really great help
Science - Biology
it was awesome!
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
although I did not use the site today, past experiences prove it is a great support
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
Very helpful, giving me a peace of mind having a second set of eyes on my assignment.
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
Did help me as much as I think she could have
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
Kiera W. is very helpful with preparing for research.
Science - Biology
This session was the most useful session I have had with this service. My tutor answered my questions and my follow up questions.
Science - Biology
Very helpful session. Tutor explained very well and clearly. I understood a lot by the end of the session. Overall very helpful.
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
This session did not meet my needs because the tutor doesn't have access to the information, I needed help with.
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
Kiera was very helpful to me. I was so stressed about this assignment and she made it more clear to me.
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
She was really patient and helpful and her feed back as great
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
Very understanding and helpful! Provided great resources and graphics to help me understand what I am learning!
Social Science - Introduction to Psychology
She was so helpful and polite. She answered me professionally and resolved my inquiry within seconds.